We believe that Jesus Christ has given spiritual gifts to His church for the edification of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).
A church established on the perspective of glorifying the God of Scriptures through worship, evangelizing unbelievers and edifying the saints. We acknowledge Christ as the head of the church and, therefore, His Word, the Bible, is our final authority and our only unfailing and infallible Word by which we gain knowledge, deepen our faith, and walk in obedience.
We believe that Jesus Christ has given spiritual gifts to His church for the edification of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Mission – According to Matthew 28:19 – To create a community of Disciples of Jesus Christ that makes disciples, sharing the Word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Vision – To be a community that is passionate about the glory of God and His gospel, committed to live the present life in light of eternity.
Purpose – To be a missions focused biblical community. According to the Word of God in Colossians 1:28, growth and maturity come as a result of the study of the Word of God and, hence, the passion for multiplying the mission increases.
We believe that Jesus Christ has given spiritual gifts to His church for the edification of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).
What We Believe
We believe that the Bible is the written revelation of God, complete and sufficient in all aspects. We believe that the Scriptures are “inspired by God” and hence completely authoritarian in and of themselves; do not base authority in any church, advice or creed, but are simply authoritarian because it is the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:15-17).
We believe that God is one, eternal, unfailing and unchangeable. We believe that God is the Creator of all that exists in heaven and on Earth. The God that the Bible describes is unique; He is not like any person or thing in the universe. God has all the power, all knowledge, all wisdom, and to Him be all the glory, honor, and praise. Everything that happens or that is to come to pass is by His decree.
We believe that the Bible teaches that there is only one God, who consists of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Every person is complete and fully God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have eternally existed in the described relationship by the term “Trinity”.
We believe that man was created in the image of God. Man has rebelled against his Creator and has sinned. Consequently, man became spiritually dead, totally unable and incapable of seeking God. God, since past eternity, foreordained all things, joined certain people with Jesus Christ, so that He may redeem man from his sins; and by doing so, bring glory to Himself. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died in place of His chosen ones, providing complete forgiveness of their sins by His death on the cross of Calvary. No other deed can provide forgiveness for sins and nothing can be added to the finished work done by Christ.
We believe that God in His grace and sovereign mercy regenerates sinful men by the power of His Holy Spirit and brings them to new life, not by any work of man. God grants them faith and repentance so that the new believer turns away from their sins by the love of God. As a result of this faith based on the sacrifice of our Jesus Christ, God justifies the one who believes in Him. His gift of faith and the continued work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of His chosen ones leads to good fruit. This good fruit arises from a true saving faith; it´s the necessary result of faith but should not be considered necessary to earn justification, which is given by the grace of God, by faith alone, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8).
We believe that Jesus Christ established the church that is made up of His chosen ones. His church, as an obedient bride, listens to His Word according to what is found in the Bible. Everyone who believes in Christ is part of His body, the church. The local church is very important and each believer should be actively involved in such fellowship.
We believe that Christ is coming back and will judge the living and the dead. Until His return, believers should live their lives in such a way that they bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. The church must be busy doing the work of preaching the gospel (in word and deed) and making disciples, proclaiming the true gospel of Christ by teaching the Word of God.