Who is Jesus Christ?
We at Gracia & Verdad preach about Jesus Christ, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, we sing about Jesus Christ, we serve out of love for Jesus Christ, and we live for Jesus Christ. Everything we are and do is for Him and in Him. So you must be wondering, “who is Jesus Christ?” We are glad you asked. Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary person in the history of mankind. He is the one about whom the most books have been written and the most songs sung. He is the one who has defined the ages of time. Now, knowing who Jesus Christ is, is not the same as knowing Jesus Christ. At Grace & Truth, we want you to know who Jesus Christ is and to have a personal relationship with Him. He is the second person of the Eternal God made man. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of all things. He is the Savior of the world.

What is the gospel?
Simply put, it is God’s plan to save us. The word gospel comes from the Greek word that means “good news.” But this good news begins with bad news: we are sinners and have openly rejected God’s commandments. The consequence of this disobedience is eternal punishment and eternal separation from Him. And worse, because of sin in us, man cannot nor does he want to seek God. In view of this miserable human situation, the justice of God does not allow Him simply to forget all our disobediences to His law. He Himself became a man, born at a moment in history, in an unimportant place in the Middle East and lived a perfect life, so he did not deserve to be punished or to die. Yet that is how it happened. Our sin was put on him on the cross. The wrath of God touched you and me so that through repentance and faith in Him we can receive all the righteousness from Him and He receives all our sinfulness. Through this act, God sees us IN JESUS CHRIST as perfectly righteous and holy. In this way, we can be with Him and rejoice in His presence for eternity. The natural response on our part to this truth is a life dedicated to proclaiming and blessing his name.